
Vacancy Pastor

Fluent in both English and Spanish, the Reverend Dr. Antonio J.  Lopez has been serving as Vacancy Pastor for Faith Lutheran Tujunga for several  years; and besides the office of preaching and offering the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, he leads our Sunday morning Bible classes and seasonal devotions (see Calendar). 
        With wife Rebecca and family, he shares his time between this congregation and Iglesia Luterana Palabra de Dios in Maywood. He previously served churches and mission outposts in such varied areas as Southern California, New York City and Brownsville Texas. Besides his education and experience as an LCMS minister, he also holds a Ph.D. in History. You will find his preaching on many recent Service Videos linked on this website.

Office Administrator

KatherineKatherine is a lifelong member of Faith and has been our congregation’s office administrator for over 10 years. She handles many of the day to day office tasks as well as coordinating music as our music director; and you can hear her singing as Cantor on many of the Service Videos linked on this website.


Los Angeles MC | DJ for Wedding | Actor Eric Zimmermann | Elegant MusicAccompanying our services on the Abbott and Sieker pipe organ or on piano,  Eric Zimmermann is also an MC, music arranger, bandleader, DJ and actor. He is owner of Elegant Music* and has provided small ensembles for some of our special services and social activities.

We are pleased also that we are frequently able to host
Eric’s wife Sheila Zimmermann joining him on flute. Sheila Zimmermann (@elegantsheila) / Twitter

*Clicking on the link takes you to the website for
Eric’s business Elegant Music, which is
not affiliated with Faith Lutheran Church.


Clerical Assistant

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Besides maintaining Faith’s video streaming for our online presence, Rebecca Lopez plans and prepares some of our seasonal services and is actively involved in many aspects of congregational life. Her fresh ideas and varied skills are a welcome help in many areas.